Edema is associated with swelling in the legs. This swelling is caused by vein valve malfunctions that allow blood and other fluids to become trapped in your legs’ tissues. The swelling can continue to grow until treated by a professional, and if not treated in time, it can lead to other, more severe issues in the body.
If your lymphatic system struggles to perform its required tasks, you may experience lymphedema, a type of chronic edema. Lymphedema is marked by fluid or lymph retention and subsequent swelling in the arms and legs. This issue is caused by heredity or after the lymphatic system is affected, perhaps by cancer treatment. Lymphedema progressively gets worse over time if left untreated and should be prioritized as a serious health issue in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Issues with your veins and the overall vascular system in your body that is left untreated can eventually cause issues with the lymphatic system as well. This is because the lymphatic system helps a failing vascular system, but over time, the weight of the extra work becomes too much for both. This can and often does lead to lymphedema. To avoid these unnecessary issues in the body, contact us to get started on your treatment today.
Symptoms of Lymphedema or Swelling
- Swelling of the arms, legs, fingers, or toes
- The sensation of heaviness or tightness
- A restricted range of motion
- Aching or discomfort
- Repeated infections
- Fibrosis, or skin hardening/thickening
- Leg Cramping
Contact our office at 615.716.VEIN to schedule an appointment today.